According to Dennis C. Carey, author of CEO Succession, even at the very outset of the tenure of a new CEO, he should already be planning for his own replacement.
Although this might seem a misplaced priority among the many urgent tasks a new CEO must accomplish when taking over a company, Dennis Carey believes that because succession planning requires team-work and input from many sources, when it is accomplished at the beginning the new CEO’s term it can create a feeling of trust in the new CEO and a re-establishment of confidence in the company.
Carey continues to explain that even if the new CEO is not interested in planning for his own replacement, the board should make it a priority anyway. No one knows the future, and the sudden loss of a company’s CEO is always a possibility, even if it is a small one. In at least two prominent cases, the CEO of Tenneco and the CEO of Frontier, both died from a brain tumor. Although this was a rare and unforeseeable tragedy, having already have planned for the CEO’s replacement would have made the trauma less traumatic.