In 2000 Dennis Carey authored the book, "CEO Succession: A Window on How Board Can Get It Right When Choosing a New Chief Executive". Co-authored with Dayton Ogden and Judith A. Roland, CEO Succession is an essential guidebook for anyone who cares about the quality of leadership in the corporate culture of America, and not just for board members or CEOs.
In CEO Succession Dennis Carey takes his readers on a guided tour of what the best practices are for empowering the corporate board of directors to be the force which ensures the consistent and steady flow of successful, enlightened leadership.
Dennis Carey, along with Dayton Ogden, draw on their own experiences working behind the scenes with CEOs and directors of the world’s most well-known and powerful companies. They also utilize personal interviews with corporate leadership so that the message of how corporate boards can implement the appropriate strategies and techniques to create a transparent planning process so that a seamless, smooth transfer of leadership of an organization can be accomplished.